Welcome to THATCamp Gainesville, a Digital Humanities unconference: April 23, 2016, Santa Fe College Center for Innovation and Economic Development (CIED) Center

Welcome to THATCamp Gainesville, a Digital Humanities unconference.

THATCamp (The Humanities and Technology Camp) is an informal and free unconference where you can discuss digital projects, learn skills, and brainstorm DH initiatives.

Please join us on April 23rd, at 8:30am in the Santa Fe College Center for Innovation and Economic Development (CIED) Center.

Santa Fe College CIED

530 W University Ave, Gainesville, FL 32601

Browse through the list of session THATCamp Gainesville proposals below this post! If you are ready to propose your own session, please go to the Propose page, and follow the link included there. After you publish your post through that link, your session proposal will appear below. Session proposals don’t have to be sent to the organizers for review. Each session lasts for an hour, and usually involves a short presentation and then a group discussion.

If you are not yet ready to propose a session, please feel free to comment on other posts here. Comments let session organizers know that others are interested in that conversation.

You don’t have to propose a session in order to attend THATCamp Gainesville.

If you are attending THATCamp Gainesville to learn about something, please use the link on the Propose page to let others know. THATCamp is about pooling together our resources and skills.

Please don’t forget to Register!

Also, please join the conversation via Twitter with #tcgnv and @THATCampGNV!

SCHEDULE and Notes from the sessions can be posted to this Google Doc so that others can follow the conversation.

Evaluation survey on THATCamp-Gainesville 2016!

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University Press and Library Collaborations, including Books about Florida and the Caribbean

Sharing about the new Mellon-funded project for University Press and Library collaboration on Books about Florida and the Caribbean. Full project proposal and description here: ufdc.ufl.edu/AA00032435/00002

Abstract: In collaboration with the Florida Press and a humanities advisory board, the Smathers Libraries’ project team will make 30 out-of-print books freely available online and in electronic formats. The project team plans to complete the following deliverables: 1) secure rights and permissions for selected books about Florida and the Caribbean published by the UPF from 1968 to 1992; 2) digitize and distribute with Creative Commons-licensing for books in EPUB 3.0.1, PDF for print-on-demand, and Web PDF formats; 3) implement a marketing plan to broadly promote online availability of books to scholars, educators, students, and the general public; 4) engage an expert Advisory Board to prioritize selections and plan for promotional and educational programmatic opportunities for university press and academic library collaborations; and, 5) produce a white paper that documents processes, costs, and impacts for rights issues while serving as a guide for replicating the collaborative process for other university presses and academic libraries.

This presentation will be with all of the project team members who can make it from the Libraries and the Press!

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